Category | Posts | Last post made by |
Islam Share the Hadith, Quanic Verses, and some golden keypoints which do help us in building our religion... | 4 | SALAHUDDIN_THE_GREAT 08/06/2007 at 2:59pm (UTC) |
Pakistan - My Passion Just Pakistan! aur app apne pak se kitna pyar kerte hain aur is country ke liye kiya kerna chahate hain plzz app share keray yahan per ok < FORUM LED BY MINAHIL MALIK > | 4 | dssdfds 09/19/2007 at 10:11am (UTC) |
Pyar Ishq aur Mohabbat plzz add ur comments about [ Pyar Ishq aur Mohabbat ]........ | 40 | sterinox 03/08/2025 at 6:14pm (UTC) |
Friendship and Love corner Do Love and Friendship this form is led by *DWD *so have fun.. | 23 | Candid 11/02/2020 at 7:30pm (UTC) |
Shugal Mela Hey! Come join us here and have some hulla gulla, fun maza and rock this shugal mela!!! forum led by*DWD* | 30 | Clarence 01/03/2023 at 6:40pm (UTC) |
Poetry Corner All POETS and poetry lovers are invited come and led by *DWD* | 10 | D0BPxKcK 05/08/2017 at 5:25pm (UTC) |
Jokes and humour corner Let others also know here some Jokes and funny things or incidents of your life...
led by *DWD* | 8 | mexwell 11/01/2024 at 5:41pm (UTC) |
Sports Masala guys and girls come and talk about sports...
forum led by **DWD** | 2 | haqam 02/03/2025 at 4:55am (UTC) |
Computer AND Mobilez Corner share tips tricks software and hardware and many more wallpapers mms | 4 | mNRjnjwELkcovvY 07/13/2011 at 2:15pm (UTC) |
Pakistani Music Have some Gupshup about the Pakistani Music, discuss about Pop n Bhangra Music, latest Music Album Releases! | 0 | - |
Star Plus Dramas Discuss about Star Plus Dramas, like why everyone is addicted to them, and whats the reason behind running hunderds of episodes of a single drama serial, all negative and positives points should be shared here... | 0 | - |
Science & General Knowledge All general knowledge and stuff related to humour & common sense is to be shared here! | 2 | zbKUggaPekhl 07/12/2011 at 1:51am (UTC) |
Beauty & Life Style What's in what's out ?? Talk about fashion style and beauty.. ;) | 0 | - |
Net Beetiyan Share your stories and experience of the net.This forum is led by **DWD** | 0 | - |
Boys & Girls OoOOoH! Gender War | 0 | - |
Love Marriage VS Arrange??? yes or not ? | 5 | yTzoOfKUzPAnkL 07/12/2011 at 6:41am (UTC) |
Request & Uploads Looking for a song or video you couldnt find in our database, request it here and we or other members will do our best to provide it.This forum is led by **DWD** | 0 | - |
Kitchen & Cookery Share & Exchange recipes of mouthwatering foods! | 0 | - |
Suggestions & Feedback How you want website & forum to be? New discussion topics, About website, Members, Complains, Requests, etc. | 0 | - |
Concept of Sex in Islam !!!! ( Not For Under 18 ) بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Aslamolikum- May peace and mercy of Almighty Allah prevail upon you..
"Of His signs is this: that He created for you spouses that you might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy." (Quran, 30:21)
Sex is a natural need of every human being...just like food, shelter etc but
At the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Sahaabah were not too shy to ask about all affairs, including sexual matters, so as to know the teachings of Islam in these matters. As Aisha (ra), the wife of the Prophet testified, "Blessed are the women of the Ansar. Shyness did not stand in their way of seeking knowledge about their religion. (Agreed upon).
I've been studying sex fom almost last 5 years so i want 2 share my knowledge.But i can't do any thing without your active needed **** This Forum led by Dr.Fiza **** | 12 | SjvcfYsGImHU 07/14/2011 at 11:24am (UTC) |